
Recording your income is important because it holds you accountable to budgeting it properly. Any time money flows into your life, you may want to record it as income.Some examples may include:

  • A paycheck from your job.
  • Money as a gift from friends and family.
  • Interest from your bank accrued on your checking account.

Whenever you record income, you must fill out these fields:

  • Amount
  • Available This/Next Month
  • Source
  • Date

It is highly recommended that you fill out every field every time you log income, otherwise your transaction might be difficult to find later on.

Step-by-step Instructions

You can record an expense transaction by following these steps:

  1. Click the + button to add a new transaction.
  2. Make sure Income is selected, and not Expense or Transfer.
  3. Add the amount. E.g. 50.00 if you were given $50.
  4. Decide whether this money should be available to budget this month or next month.

This money will then be added to your budget in either the current month or the next month, depending on which you selected. In most cases, it will appear the the top of the budget as “Available to budget”.

From here, you should add money to your budget categories until there is no more money left to budget.

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