
Your Savings Rate Goal is the percentage of your income that you would like to save on a monthly basis.

For example, you might want to save 5%, 10%, or more. Some people do best with small, achievable savings rate goals while others do best with high, ambitious ones.

You can update the goal by going to Settings and overwriting the old goal value with a new goal value.

Step-by-step Instructions

Update your Savings Rate Goal by following these steps:

  1. Click on Settings in the navigation menu.
  2. Locate the current Savings Rate Goal. (The default for new users is 20%.)
  3. Replace the goal value with your desired goal value. E.g. 30%
  4. Click on Budget in the nagivation menu to confirm the new goal value has been saved. It should appear in the budget summary at the top of your budget.

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