Stop These Habits to Improve Your Professional and Personal Life

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Poor habits can keep us from living our best lives, but the good news is, you can make some small changes to your lifestyle that will help you feel better and achieve your goals. Whether you want to boost your confidence, change your attitude, or start focusing on your needs, you can create a strategy when it comes to the things you should stop doing – such as comparing yourself to others or not getting enough rest – by altering your routines and thinking about how you can be more mindful. Consider your environment, your job, and your daily habits when it’s time to make some changes, and use this brief guide from Vermillion to help you get started.
Stop languishing at a job you hate
If you’re unhappy with your job, stop stressing and take some steps to make the most of your career. Consider going back to school to build your skills, especially in a field that will take advantage of recent booms in technology. Look online for job openings in the field you’re most interested in. If it’s been a while since you last had an interview, look over your resume and think about how you can punch it up. A freelance resume writer can help you create a custom resume that will help you stand out from the other applicants, and there are lots of options available through online job platforms, which give you the ability to read reviews of each potential hire’s work and weigh their fees.
Stop putting yourself last
Whether it’s at work or at home, you might not realize how often you put the needs of others in front of your own. Make a conscious effort to do something for yourself at least once a day; think about what your immediate needs are. It might be helpful to make a list, starting with your physical and mental health. If your current routine makes it difficult to take care of yourself, it might be time to learn how to say “no” when you can’t give your time or energy to someone. This is a challenge for many people, but it can be extremely beneficial to figure out a diplomatic way to decline and put your needs first.
Stop neglecting your body
When it comes to putting your needs first, sometimes it’s the little things that make the biggest impact. Have you been drinking enough water? Getting good rest every night? Eating a well-rounded diet? It’s easy to neglect your health when you’re busy or stressed much of the time, but there’s no time like the present to take action and listen to your body. Changing your diet doesn’t have to be a difficult or stressful process; try a few small changes, such as swapping out soda for flavored sparkling water or keeping healthy snacks at your desk so you can stay motivated through a long day.
Stop spending so much time on social media
While boosting your physical health is crucial, it’s also important to focus on your mental health as much as possible. Stress, anxiety, and depression affect millions of people these days, and although it has multiple advantages, social media can also have a negative effect on your outlook and self-esteem. Rather than scrolling through those accounts and comparing yourself to others, set some time each day to unplug and do something nice for yourself. You can also take a second look at who you’re following and curate the list to include musicians, artists, and creators who inspire you.
Stop putting your finances last
Budgeting might not always be the most fun thing in the world, but having the maturity and discipline to give yourself a budget and stick to it makes all the difference when it comes to savings and success. In addition to helping you save for retirement, it allows you to be more prepared for all life’s unexpected twists and turns. Vermillion’s budgeting app is a great tool for putting your finances first. Changing your habits can seem overwhelming at first, but by starting small and focusing on your wellbeing, you can start tackling your goals while boosting your confidence. Look online for resources that will help you along the way.
Vermillion can help you re-align your spending and save more for what matters. Call (503) 765 1600.
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